Karendayal Devi

Meet Karendayal and Her Approach


Namaste Dear One,

I help everyday householders just like you who are ready to begin or deepen or re-spark their soul/spiritual journey, healing, transformation and empowerment. Returning you back home to Self to fully navigate the flow of your life to live your love, peace, truth, joy and happiness. The truth of your soul is powerful, the duality and separation within us can sometimes be more powerful.

I bridge the gap for you between ancient wisdom and our modern times. Making it practical and easy for you to grasp and have you start embodying and applying right away to maximize your healing potential and vital living.

Unlike trying to randomly figure it all out alone, meet resistance, get stuck and spin, self- discovery journeys and mind body soul care are both a celebration and sacred, needs a map, and an experienced guide.

You will receive expert and relatable support, coaching and teachings with me to lead you into profound self – clarity alignment. Through my years as a Master Certified Professional Coach, Master Intuitive Healer, Spiritual/Wellness Mentor and Life’s River Guide for mind body soul care, you will enjoy my full knowledge and wisdom, my balance of evidence based practices and intuition and my contagious vibrant passion for transforming lives.

I’ve been immersed in the ancient healing arts since I was 5 years old. I’ve been in professional service since 1993 helping thousands of people just like you, re-think, re-define, re-believe, inspire and implement a deeper joy-filled lifestyle with mind body soul care with my practical east meets west vibe.

It’s an honor to share this journey with you!

Om Love,
Karendayal Devi


Transformational Soul Empowerment Program

SOUL COACHING with LOVE ( Personalized Self Mastery Coaching Sessions)

Yoga & Ayurveda Wisdom • Massage • Meditation • Reiki • Corporate Wellness •


If you’re ready to choose you—then its time to

Release Reclaim Rise

Be You • Live Love

